Birthday blast
I couldn't ask for more for my birthday. On the Friday night, two days before my birthday, the clique of W26L went out for a lovely dinner. Was told that it was an outing, but it turned out to be a surprising birthday blast. I couldn't figure out why I didn't realise it. Maybe I was a bit blur but ah! ah! that's not the explanation to why I was said being a bimbo. We went walking out of Swensens after dinner and to a place where I would never expect having a birthday celebration at. It was nice, overlooking the sunset at that hour of the day. Vivian and Edna rushed off for their dance practice right after we had the cake. And Sam, Danny, Deng Kai and I proceeded with a movie. We couldn't figure out any other movies to watch because we have almost watched all others. We watched Friday the 13th then. Almost half the movie we were covering our faces with my birthday Stitch! and jackets. I wouldn't want to watch this kind of movie again.
Boosts nightmares:S
I have had a wonderful time on TGIF. I do feel grateful!
Thank you Vivian and Edna! Sorry, because of that you guys were late for dancing. I feel guilty.
Thank you Sam! for watching the horror movie with me even though you're not into it.
Thank you Danny and Deng Kai! for the movie together too.
Thank you all for the dinner, the cake, and the STITCH!
Love you guysss:D