Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Game of content?

I happen to follow daddy and mommy to SYC, Sandakan Yatch Club for a dart competition. Daddy was the one who was joining the dart competition. I was witnessing the whole game, well not really the whole game. The whole thing comprises of three rounds, and a single round would be around an hour an a half only! The game started only at 8.30pm after our dinner there. So when the second round of the competition was in its midst, mommy drove me home first cause it was late and there was still another round and a half more to go. Just by watching them play, I knew it would be a hard game. I was even not sure whether I could be that accurate every round. The posture alone for the dart throwing makes me feel as if I'm the one having backache from that posture!

Well, I didn't quite get the actual rules of that game, but I know it is another sport which alcohol improves. Ask why, and I would say it's because whisky is set on the table. And the content of that whisky bottle, with the 'Johnnie Walker Black Label Old Scotch Whisky' on it poured into a few glasses. Uncles and daddy used to have a few sips on their whisky before their turns. And somehow I had the feeling that it greatly improves their accuracy! I don't know why.

The dartboard with those darts reminds me of how we had our very first few physics lessons. I remembered clearly that it was printed in the first two chapters of the secondary school physics textbook. I had a vivid recollection of that lesson, both in school and in my physics tuition. Diagrams of the dartboard and darts were used to illustrate the meaning of accuracy and consistency in the introduction chapter to physics.

This led my thoughts to that physics wouldn't be appearing in my modules starting this academic year. I would be in second year in around two weeks and we will be focussing purely in our course. No more Contemporary Issues in Culture and Aesthetics, not Introduction to Communication, no more Enterprise Skills neither do Cognitive Processes, like what we had during our first year.

A224-Recombinant DNA Technologies
A201-Applied Chemistry I

I will be sticking to these modules until the end of the semester.

I should be thankful to be engaged in this wild and crazy ride. ;)


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